Hello my friends, where have you been, I hear you ask..in your mind. Lots and lots of things have happened in all this time.. oh my, it's been like 3 weeks. Not so long story short, new place, new countries visited, new people discovered :) with awesome cars to shoot...and bikes.
SO! On the right you can see the new out the window view for the next year :D. As this things go and life also, it is the result of a series of unfortunate events. Some say change is good, others say it could be worse but it is what it is and will make the best out of it.. coz that's what everybody does with each other's life according to their judgment and life cravings.
Speaking of new places, I just got back from some of them..for me at least: Malmö- Sweden and Copenhagen - Denmark . A really memorable trip, with special thanks for all the support and guidance and tour guiding to Inkfeder :D . It was a really fast forward kinda trip but in a chill way and not stressing out about the amount of things we could see or photograph in this short time line, but more about this in a future episode.
Back in the East Europe, i am still discovering and getting to know people still, here at Ubisoft and finding passionate people about cars, bikes and other common interests and seeing it thru what they own and do makes it a really special thing. As a result to all of this some planing will be done on organizing a few shoots in the upcoming future, but yet again, more about this in a future episode.
In photography news, on the 20-25th September, Photokina opened it's doors ( not for me, but maybe some day ) and showed us some new, some cool some not so cool ( we are still waiting Nikon ) gear. What I personally got impressed by was the Fuji GFX Medium Format Mirrorless System. I don't do reviews and journalistic takes on these things, let the pros do it, like a special some one i follow for some time now, Matt Granger or the late Nikon Guy (RIP) doing an awesome job sharing and reviewing the fresh stuff from Photokina. You can watch the Fuji GFX presentation from Matt right here.
Now that i have most of the things set up and back in operational mode, i think/hope i will develop a schedule and a more organized way of working, because there is much to do in all domains.
I'm glad I got this revision done and out there, it was planed for Monday but working hours lately have been from day till dawn and I wanted some decent quality content, worth reading ..if there is anybody reading so far :D
....anywho peeps, trying to get those trip pictures done and up online, until then,
CheeRS and keep them shooting!