Having some pictures printed for some time now, I had the plan of framing them sooner or later. After a year of being busy with many other unrelated, time consuming activities, I found one day with a some time to spare and a lot of materials, to start this project.
New goals, new style, new challenges
Hello everybody!
As you might have seen, the website got a fresh new look and feeling. Check it out!
A photo frame is born
I have made a custom photo frame, using the Fiesta ST picture from a shoot I did some time ago.
3 months of nothing?!
Greetings everybody, or better said, just you reading this, hi! nice to see you again :).
Long Exposure - Welding Glass
Hello everybody! It's the last day, last month, last post, last test, last review, last picture...EVER! ...of 2016 :P