Hello again automotive friends! If you have read all about this shoot then this is part 2, if you are new here (guess most of the people are or will still be for some time now): Automotive photography shootout: Ford Fiesta ST, Mazda MX-5 and another surprise guest but more about that next time ;) .
Keeping the black on black theme, a really nice 2007 Mazda MX-5 (Miata), exposed to the elements at the end of the day, in the outskirts of the city, we got this made as well. Not as much time for post as I would have wished, being almost Monday, the projects have to come to an end, when they are done or when the deadline arrives. It's somehow a challenge to mix multiple jobs and work fields and house hold to do lists, mixed with friends and social life, at the end of the week, thinking everyone is happy, including me.
But back to the picture. The technical part is the same as the Fiesta ST, being the same shoot changing from one car to another just by turning the camera. My Nikon with a 50mm 1.8 and 2 speedlights. It has been some debate about the crop of it, I still think it's more integrated in the scene like this, it looks good cropped also but killing the location in progress. I could be wrong, all this is subjective as we all know, what do you think? Now that i look at it..some more reflections would have been welcomed on the front-left side of the body but..it is what it is.. moving on, coz life ain't waiting for no one.
More will follow, maybe other pics of these two, maybe the third car, I'll see how things develop and how the agenda will look for the next week. What would you like to see next?
Until then,
Keep yourself healthy (it's the essence of a rainy autumn here)
CheeRS and keep them shooting !